
The Cambridge School of Weston is governed by a dedicated board of individuals comprised of current and past parents, students, faculty members, and alumni/ae who represent a wide range of professions, backgrounds and interests. The school is one of a few independent schools in the nation to have students represented on its board as full voting members. The board’s commitment to CSW is a great source of pride and inspiration within the CSW community.

Allie Altman P ’12 Treasurer; Chair, Finance Committee
Ssanyu Birigwa ’95
Luiz Miguel Camargo P ‘25
Lise Charlier Head of School
John Finnerty P ’21
Mike Flanagan P ’20, ’22
Michael Fleming '81 Chair, Development Committee
Ann Gorson P ’16 Chair of the Board
Cynthia Harmon
Snowden Henry P ’16, ’18 Chair, Governance Committee
Dana Howell '25 Boarding Student Representative
Chin Lin P ’18 Secretary; Chair, Buildings & Grounds Committee
Ann Marie Lindquist P '10 '19
Noah Loren P '22 '24 Vice Chair of the Board
Meredith Mikell Faculty Representative
Youhua (Nancy) Nie P ’25
Dmitri Rabin P ’22

Ranjit Rajamani P ’22 Chair, Investment Committee
Adriel Roncal
Faculty Representative
Will Stansbury P ’20

John Thompson P ’05, ’07
Britte van Zadelhoff ’25 Day Student Representative

The Cambridge School of Weston is a progressive high school for day and boarding students in grades 9–12 and PG. CSW's mission is to provide a progressive education that emphasizes deep learning, meaningful relationships, and a dynamic program that inspires students to discover who they are and what their contribution is to their school, their community and the world.