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Course Catalog


We believe that all students can find a way to appreciate and understand mathematics. Our courses seek a balance of mathematical skills; mechanics; and adaptation. We strive for our students to not only apply mathematics but to also recognize mathematics for its natural beauty, artistry, and elegance. We teach students to reason logically, grow from collaboration, recognize patterns, embrace ambiguity and learn through failure.

In addition to foundational courses in algebra, geometry, and quantitative reasoning, the CSW mathematics program offers an unprecedented variety of coursework in fields beyond the typical high school curriculum. Students are given the opportunity to challenge themselves through interdisciplinary advanced level content in the areas of calculus, statistics, and applied mathematics. 
  • Algebra 1

    This is a standard first-year algebra course. Topics covered include: signed numbers, rational numbers, linear equations, systems of equations, word problems, exponents, polynomials, quadratic equations, factoring, the quadratic formula, graphing, and radical and fractional expressions. Students are expected to have solid arithmetic skills before beginning this course, and calculators will not be used until students are comfortable with arithmetic. This course emphasizes understanding basic concepts as well as the development of solid algebra skills. (1 mod)
  • Algebra 2 +Preliminary Topics

    Algebra 2 + is a comprehensive review and extension of the concepts learned in a typical Algebra I course. Students will begin with an extensive review of the core foundational Algebra 1 topics, including: solving linear and quadratic equations and inequalities, functions and function notation, and systems of equations and inequalities. Students will then build upon these core concepts with in-depth coverage of fundamental Algebra II topics. A variety of instructional practices including (but not limited to) in class explorations, individual presentations, group projects, and teacher-led class discussions will be utilized to support students as they develop a wide range of problem-solving techniques of mathematical topics as well as mathematical ownership over their learning. Key topics include polynomial functions, rational functions, radical functions, exponential functions, logarithmic functions and trigonometry.
  • Algebra 2A

    (required grade 10, or as determined by placement results) Algebra 2A is an extension of concepts learned in a typical Algebra 1 curriculum. Students will build on prior knowledge of Algebra 1 concepts and learn to apply new techniques to problems that require higher order thinking skills and group collaboration. A variety of instructional practices including (but not limited to) explorations; self-discovery; group projects; and teacher-led class discussion will be utilized to support students as they develop a variety of problem-solving techniques of mathematical topics such as statistics (probability, analyzing data), sequences and series, solving linear and quadratic equations and inequalities, functions notation, systems of equations and inequalities, fundamentals of matrices, conic sections and simple math modeling. Technology will be used to introduce and expand upon the areas of study listed above. The Texas Instrument Graphing Calculator TI-83 or TI-84 is required for the course.
    Prerequisites: Geometry
  • Algebra 2B

    (required grade 10, or as determined by placement results) Algebra 2B is a continuation of the concepts developed in Algebra 2A. Students will learn to apply the techniques learned in the first half of Algebra 2 to more abstract concepts that are fundamental to students’ success on college entrance exams. A variety of instructional practices including (but not limited to) explorations; self-discovery; group projects; and teacher-led class discussion will be utilized to support students as they apply problem-solving techniques to topics such as polynomial functions, rational functions, radical functions, exponential functions, logarithmic functions, trigonometry, and advanced math modeling. Technology will be used to introduce and expand upon the areas of study listed above. The Texas Instrument Graphing Calculator TI-83 or TI-84 is required for the course.
    Prerequisites: Algebra 2A
  • Analytic Geometry

    (Prerequisite: A grade of B- or better in Algebra 2, Trigonometry recommended)

    This course combines algebra and coordinate geometry, and the techniques of this combination are used to study vectors in 2D and 3D space, parametrically defined curves, conic sections, and polar coordinates. Additional topics covered vary but may include: advanced topics in Euclidean geometry, non-Euclidean geometry, quadric surfaces, and isometries of the plane.
  • Calculus A & B

    (Prerequisite: Very strong command of Algebra 2, Elementary Functions, and Trigonometry. Analytic Geometry and Discrete Mathematics are not required, but strongly recommended. Departmental approval required to take this course)

    This course covers the study of Differential and Integral Calculus. Differential Calculus includes the study of limits, continuity, and derivatives of algebraic, transcendental, and trigonometric functions. Applications of the derivative include optimization, related rates, examples from the natural and social sciences, and graphing of functions. Integral Calculus includes the study of definite integrals and areas, the fundamental theorems of calculus, techniques of integration, computation of volumes, arc length, average of a function, separable differential equations, and slope fields and applications to physics, chemistry, and engineering. Students are expected to have and use a Texas Instruments programmable graphing calculator.
  • Calculus C: Series

    (Prerequisite: Calculus B and Analytic Geometry.)

    This course is the third of three courses in Calculus. It includes study of sequences, series, power series, Taylor and Maclaurin series, parametric equations, and polar coordinates. Students are expected to have and use a Texas Instruments graphing, programmable calculator.
  • Computer Science 1

    Computer Science 1 lays the foundation for computer science learning. Students learn and practice using algorithmic thinking for problem solving, as well as gaining an introduction to computer programming.
  • Computer Science 2a: Advanced Computer Programming

    (Prerequisite: Computer Science 1)
    This course teaches advanced programming techniques.  Building on the foundations laid in Computer Science 1, students will learn object-oriented programming  and advanced object-oriented design patterns.  Students will learn to design, document, and program sophisticated computer applications from scratch, such as graphical-user interface and physics simulators. The class will emphasize elegant, well designed and documented object-oriented code.

    In the 2024-2025 school year, this class replaced Computer Science 2. Students who previously completed Computer Science 2 should not take Computer Science 2A.
  • Computer Science 2b: Introduction to Algorithms & Data Structures

    (Prerequisite: Computer Science 1)
    This course introduces students to the theory of computation by exploring its fundamental procedural and structural elements.  Students will learn core algorithmic techniques—such as sorting, searching, recursion, dynamic programming, and greedy algorithms—as well as how to analyze them using formal mathematical tools.  They will also study fundamental structures for organizing data, such as lists, arrays, graphs, and trees.  Class projects will mix theoretical analysis with practical applications.
  • Computer Science 3: Introduction to AI

    (Prerequisite: Computer Science 1 and Computer Science 2b)
    This course introduces the core ideas, algorithms, and data structures of modern artificial intelligence.  Students explore techniques for classification, optimization, reinforcement learning, neural networks, and other fundamental artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks.  Students will apply these techniques to develop their own intelligent systems.
  • Economics in the World

    (Prerequisite: Algebra 2A&B) What does it mean to live in a global economy?  In this class students will be introduced to an overview of Micro Economics and Macro Economics. By analyzing market trends associated with historical events between the 1900’s and the present time, students will learn how changes in policies have shaped global economies.
  • Elementary Functions

    (Prerequisite: A grade of B- or higher in Algebra 2)

    This course is an introduction to a general study of functions. Topics covered include polynomial functions, exponential and logarithmic functions and their properties, graphs, and applications. It is a prerequisite for Calculus.
  • Fundamentals of Calculus

    (Prerequisite: A grade of B or better in Elementary Functions and Trigonometry) 

    This course will serve as an introduction to the two main ideas of Calculus—differentiation and integration. If you want to know what Calculus is about before taking it in college, this course is for you.
  • Game Theory

    (11/12, Requires completion of Algebra 2B, qualifies as a non-algebraic elective) This course explores the mathematics, strategy, and analysis of multi-player games. Topics covered include strict dominance, nash equilibria, brinkmanship, and forward and backward induction. There will be a particular focus on the prisoner’s dilemma as well as creating simple games and strategies using game theory.
  • Geometry

    (Required grade 9 or as determined by placement)

    Geometry develops logical thinking through proofs and attention to definitions. It gives students a new way of looking at the world by analyzing the symmetries and patterns around them, and it develops practical skills through applications. This course covers the standard topics in a college-preparatory course in Geometry.
  • Geometry + Preliminary Topics

    Geometry + Preliminary Topics develops logical thinking through proofs and attention to definitions while reinforcing algebraic skills to further develop mathematical fluency.  It gives students a new way to think about the world by understanding patterns around them and develops practical skills and applications in visual and logical reasoning. This course will cover material in a college-preparatory course in Geometry with a core focus on reinforcement and extending problem-solving and abstraction skills from an Algebra I curriculum.
  • Math Modeling

    (Prerequisites Algebra 2 and Statistics.) The aim of this class is to introduce students to the basic concepts of applied statistics and data science. Students will learn how to clean and filter data, analyze large data sets, how to utilize math modeling programs, data visualizations techniques, and how to create and interpret math models. Though coding will be utilized in this course, no experience with coding is required. 

    * This course awards credit towards the Social Justice graduation requirement
  • Multi-Variable Calculus

    (11/12) Students will learn how to differentiate and integrate functions with multiple variables. In this class students will cover topics such as vector functions, partial derivatives, multiple integrals, and vector calculus. As a result of this class, students will be able to better understand the connection between single-variable calculus and multivariable calculus. Students will further their logical thinking while also being introduced to different abstract topics in mathematics. Students will be exposed to higher-level mathematics that will better prepare them for the rigors of a college math program.
  • Ordering Chaos

    This class is an Integrated Studies course designed to explore the connections and overlap between math and art. Using math and visual arts skills, students will explore a variety of questions, assumptions, projects, and theories that challenge stereotypes about math and art. This class aims to build resilience in young scholars who enjoy problem-solving. Students are asked to take academic and intellectual risks by exploring ideas and approaches that are out of their comfort zone and to practice self-motivation by staying engaged with the class activities and homework assignments. This class is open to students of all grades.
  • Personal Finance

    Personal finance is a term that covers managing your money as well as saving and investing. It encompasses budgeting, banking, insurance, mortgages, and investments. Students will be introduced to the basic understanding of debit and credit, track their spending and even analyze some of the more challenging probability concepts that govern the trading of options on the stock market. The approach to this class will be project based with students able to work on a project that they find meaningful in the world of personal finance. 
  • Poetry & Coding

    An Interdisciplinary Rendezvous to Creative Thinking & Beauty
    This interdisciplinary class combines programming with poetry.  Students use programming to create dynamic elements, such as text that moves and responds to the user's actions, and then use these to write active multi-layered poems. Given that students will be writing poems, this class will approach creative writing through the workshop model. Students will develop the power of their creative imaginations, facility with their use of language, and the ability to harness different verse elements to tell their stories. As an interdisciplinary class, students will recognize how both programming and poetry use language and lean into failure to create something beautiful.
  • Robotics: Design

    Robotics Design is a course designed for students who are interested in the design and engineering of robots. Students will study past, current, and future use of automation technology in industrial and everyday use. Through a comprehensive overview of robotic systems and the subsystems that comprise them, students will work in teams to design, build, and document their progress. There will be class competitions and engineering challenges using the remote-controlled VEX robotic system to provide students with opportunities to apply their knowledge to robotic systems.
  • Robotics: Programming

    This course will engage students in the programming of a VEX robot. Students will be introduced to basic programming and problem-solving strategies associated with robot systems. Through hands-on projects and activities, students will work in teams to program autonomous robots, while learning to document their progress. The class will emphasize asynchronous sensor-based programming using  elegant, modular code.
  • Statistics

    (Prerequisite: Algebra 2)

    The study of statistics applies the calculations and deductive thinking of mathematics to the real-world problems of the social sciences, the decisionmaking needs of medicine and business, and the laboratory methods and experimental procedures of the natural sciences. This course covers descriptive statistics including the standard deviation and the normal distribution, and inferential statistics, including sampling and confidence intervals, the chisquare test, and curve fitting.
  • Trigonometry

    (Prerequisite: A grade of B- or higher in Algebra 2)

    This course combines a practical study of right and oblique triangle trigonometry with a theoretical study of the trigonometric functions as periodic functions; it also prepares the student for the treatment of trigonometric functions covered in Calculus and is a prerequisite for Calculus.

Department Faculty

  • Photo of Rashid Chatani
    Rashid Chatani
    Mathematics Department Chair and Residential Life Faculty
    Worcester Polytechnic Institute - M.S.
    Worcester Polytechnic Institute - B.S.
  • Photo of Jessie Feng
    Jessie Feng
    Mathematics Faculty
    Wellesley College - BA
  • Photo of Sarah Lewites
    Sarah Lewites
    Mathematics Faculty
    The University of Pennsylvania, - MEd
    Wellesley College - BA
  • Photo of Maheen Masoud
    Maheen Masoud
    Mathematics Faculty
    Hamilton College - B.A.
  • Photo of Anne Meinke
    Anne Meinke
    Mathematics Faculty
    Harvard University - ALM
    University of Cincinnati - BS
  • Photo of Proshanto Mukherji
    Proshanto Mukherji
    Mathematics Faculty
    New Jersey Institute of Technology - BS
    University of Rochester - Computer Science
    University of Rochester - PhD
    Harvard Law School - JD
  • Photo of Sylvia Ogle
    Sylvia Ogle
    Mathematics Faculty and Residential Life Faculty
    California State University - MS
  • Photo of Morgan Swain
    Morgan Swain
    Mathematics Faculty and Skills Faculty

CSW—a gender-inclusive day and boarding school for grades 9-12—is a national leader in progressive education. We live out our values of inquiry-based learning, student agency, and embracing diverse perspectives in every aspect of our student experience. Young people come to CSW to learn how to learn and then put what they learn into action—essential skills they carry into their futures as doers, makers, innovators, leaders, and exceptional humans who do meaningful work in the world.