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13 Year Survey of China Marks' Drawings Initiates Nowhere Everywhere Exhibition Series

Todd Bartel
The press release for China Marks—Nowhere Everywhere may be viewed and downloaded here:

China Marks Press Release

China Marks—Nowhere Everywhere is the first exhibition in a series of exhibits centering on Sir Thomas More’s nearly 500-year old literary classic, Utopia. The show is part of a three-part exhibition series acknowledging the book’s quincentennial and the rhetorical conceit it introduced that gave rise to a literary genre. Since its publication in 1516 and the introduction of More’s invented word, "utopia"—a “non-place” and a “nowhere”—writers, artists and philosophers have re-imagined society to examine imaginary, unprecedented, impossible or lost versions of societies at large. Human “perfectibility” is the key concept to More’s invention and the Nowhere Everywhere exhibition series examines the genres of utopia and dystopia through contemporary artists’ visions of human conflict and human dilemma within societal structures. The exhibition China Marks—Nowhere Everywhere  initiates the series with a 13-year survey of China Mark’s (Long Island City, NY) “process-directed, constructed fabric drawings” and one-of-a-kind books that explore social relationships, human conflict and human imperfectability through the artist’s fantastic and irresistibly irreverent visual iconography.

The press release for China Marks—Nowhere Everywhere may be viewed and downloaded here:


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