Parent/Guardian DEI Discussion - Real American

Join Diane Stansbury, Director of Parent and Alumni Engagement and Rosanna Salcedo, Dean of Equity and Inclusion, for a presentation and discussion about how we approach learning about identity, equity, and inclusion at CSW. 
Our community read: Real American, by Julie Lythcott-Haims will provide us with some of the context for this discussion, and help us develop literacy, as we explore what it means to be anti-racist in our society.

“Real American is the story of Julie’s journey from self-loathing to self-love as a Black and biracial woman living in predominantly white spaces. The only child of a marriage between an African-American father and a white British mother, she shows how microaggressions, discrimination, and outright racism can puncture a person's inner life with a thousand sharp cuts. In sharing her path to self-acceptance, Julie also expresses the healing power of community in overcoming the hurtful isolation of being incessantly considered "the other."

This meeting will take place via Zoom.  The meeting link will be provided with your event registration confirmation email.

The Cambridge School of Weston is a progressive high school for day and boarding students in grades 9–12 and PG. CSW's mission is to provide a progressive education that emphasizes deep learning, meaningful relationships, and a dynamic program that inspires students to discover who they are and what their contribution is to their school, their community and the world.