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"My time at CSW has taught me how to accept constructive criticism gracefully, how to always face the world with curiosity, how to enjoy challenge, and how to be patient with myself. I think this is something really special about CSW—we are given the opportunity to grow as people, as well as students."

The ability to tailor your schedule to your own individual interests and passions was one of the key factors that led to me choosing CSW, and I definitely consider that to be one of the program's greatest strengths. CSW overall values individuality, and the academic program mirrors that. Furthermore, each class is never more than 16 people, so all of our amazing teachers are able to develop a meaningful learning relationship with each of their students.


The Guillotine and the Gun: French and Russian Revolutionaries
Every day in class, we'd have the most fascinating discussions. I found myself not only learning more about the course material, but also more about the world, humanity, and the study of history as a whole. I never wanted to leave the classroom at the end of class!

Writing about Reading
This is a foundational course for 10th graders, and I have to say, I didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I did. We read some fantastic literature, spent lots of time in class discussing, and I learned a lot about myself as a writer and as a reader. There were plenty of opportunities to be creative as well.

Ancient Rome
This class was just a lot of fun. I learned lots about Ancient Rome, of course, and did so by debating, dressing up like a Roman senator, and by interacting with my classmates. I even enjoyed the homework!


  • During my sophomore year, I was one of the lead organizers for CSW's participation in the National School Walkout against gun violence. It was without a doubt the hardest thing I have done at CSW, but it was so worth it. I learned a lot about social justice organizing and how to deal with stress. Most of all, it was incredibly inspiring when the actual day of the walkout came and so many students participated. We registered lots of students to vote and we called our representatives. It strengthened my belief in the power of youth, and in my own power to make a difference. I left that day feeling empowered and much more hopeful about the world.

  • Advisory has been really fun. I absolutely adore my advisor and the other students in our group, and I always find myself looking forward to Tuesdays and Fridays, when I get to see them. I'm always able to get the support I need and it's a great way to stop and take a breath during the school day. 

  • I participate in the creation of our school's literary magazine. Visual art and creative writing are two of my absolute favorite things, and it's been so cool to be able to see my work appear alongside that of some of CSW's talented artists and writers. I've also learned a lot about writing and art in general, and it's been lots of fun. Next year I'm going to be an assistant editor.
Day Student from Auburndale, MA
Favorite Spot on Campus: The treehouse in the woods behind the George! It's a great place to do work or just relax with friends in the times between classes. I go there often.
Favorite Dining Hall Menu Item: The chocolate fountain, obviously.

Favorite D Block: The spring musical! Every day I got to spend time with some of my best friends at CSW, which was awesome. I also just love performing.
Course Snapshot:
Drawing: Naturalism and Observation

Analytic Geometry

American Immigrant Literature
Beginning Dance Technique


Drawing: Self-Portrait

U.S. Youth Subcultures

Writing Poetry

U.S. Native Americans

Kundalini Yoga

Spanish 4

Advanced Writing Portfolio

20th Century Physics

Sculpture: Jewelry and Small Objects

BioExplore: Ecology
Clubs and Activities:
Fall Theatre Production

Feminist Coalition

Gryphtones A Cappella Group (leader)

Gender & Sexuality Alliance

LitMag (leader)

National School Walkout (leader)

Read This! (Book Club)

Spring Musical

CSW—a gender-inclusive day and boarding school for grades 9-12—is a national leader in progressive education. We live out our values of inquiry-based learning, student agency, and embracing diverse perspectives in every aspect of our student experience. Young people come to CSW to learn how to learn and then put what they learn into action—essential skills they carry into their futures as doers, makers, innovators, leaders, and exceptional humans who do meaningful work in the world.