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2023-24 Philanthropy Impact Report

Dear members of the CSW Community, 

By its very nature, a progressive school like CSW is continuously evolving. Our core mission and values remain steadfast, but the way we live them changes from year to year based on the composition of our school community, as well as the social context in which we teach and learn. Philanthropy gives us that freedom to evolve — to be responsive to the needs and interest of our students, our community, and the world around us. 
During the 2023 - 2024 school year, we expanded our commitment to place-based learning. Some of our students built connections with Japanese counterparts by participating in the Kakehashi Project exchange program; others studied social design in the Netherlands. This year also marked the 30th anniversary of our Panama Mod Abroad program — a wonderful example of how our curriculum responds to changing times and interests!
Closer to home, CSW deepened its connection with local nonprofit organizations through the PACE (Promoting Awareness and Community Engagement) program. Donor-funded programs like the Maverick Lloyd Speakers Series and Michael H. Feldman '67 Social Justice Day allowed us to host discussions of vital and timely topics like climate change and gun violence. We also began to share our assets with the community around us, successfully launching our first adult education programs.
These are just a few of the many ways CSW evolves to help students develop the skills they need to become informed, engaged, and effective participants in a democratic society. Your generous support makes it all possible, giving us tremendous hope for the future of our school and the students we serve.

With gratitude,
Ann Gorson
Chair of the Board

Lise Charlier
Head of School

Summary of Giving


  • CSW raised a total of $1,775,948 in cash and pledges, with $736,706 towards the CSW Fund and $812,592 towards special funds and endowed gifts.§

  • CSW awarded $4.17 million in financial aid and support.

  • The CSW community exceeded expectations for April’s Day of Giving! The school received 344 gifts totaling $213,176, unlocking the alumni, parent/guardian, and overall challenges!

  • Michael H. Feldman ’67 Social Justice Day focused on gun violence and legislation. Students spent the day in workshops with area partners and experts in the field. Activist David Hogg delivered the keynote.  

  • Through the generosity of the Maverick Lloyd Speaker Fund, we welcomed visiting speakers Mat dos Santos and Laura Gehrke from Our Children's Trust.

2023-24 News Highlights

About The Impact Report and How to Navigate This Site

The lists have been compiled to reflect all gifts and volunteer activity from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024. 

Navigate through the rest of the report by clicking the blue navigation buttons. 

We hope you enjoy reading the many stories and highlights shared here!

If there are any omissions or errors, please contact the Development Office at development@csw.org or 781-642-8645.  

Board of Trustees

Ann Gorson P '16
Chair of the Board
Lise Charlier
Head of School
Allie Altman P '12 
Treasurer; Chair, Finance Committee
Ssanyu Birigwa '95
Luiz Miguel Camargo P '25
John Finnerty P '21
Mike Flanagan P '20, '22
Michael Fleming '81 
Chair, Development Committee
Cynthia Harmon
Snowden Henry P '16, '18 
Chair, Governance Committee
Dana Howell '25 
Boarding Student Representative
Chin Lin P '18 
Secretary; Chair, Buildings & Grounds Committee
Ann Marie Lindquist P '10 '19
Noah Loren P '22 '24 
Vice Chair of the Board
Meredith Oppegard 
Faculty Representative
Youhua (Nancy) Nie P '25
Dmitri Rabin P '22 
Chair, Investment Committee
Ranjit Rajamani P '22 
Adriel Roncal 
Faculty Representative
Will Stansbury P '20

John Thompson P '05, '07
Britte van Zadelhoff '25 
Day Student Representative

CSW—a gender-inclusive day and boarding school for grades 9-12—is a national leader in progressive education. We live out our values of inquiry-based learning, student agency, and embracing diverse perspectives in every aspect of our student experience. Young people come to CSW to learn how to learn and then put what they learn into action—essential skills they carry into their futures as doers, makers, innovators, leaders, and exceptional humans who do meaningful work in the world.